Interviews & Press

It was neither the lure of the Karakoram’s 8000 m peaks, nor that it contains the greatest concentration of glaciers outside of the polar regions, which captured my imagination but for the opportunity to explore this vertical landscape of shape and form. My dream of photographing this region never dimmed but glowed like an ember in a good flow of oxygen, however with it came the realisation that if I was ever going to turn my dream into a reality, I would need to attract corporate sponsorship. In 2012, I prepared a proposal document, which I sent out to the marketplace and by the end of the year, I had successfully secured financial support from three brands, for a four-year period. This would allow me sufficient time to create the depth of work I envisaged for a book and in 2013, having made two previous expeditions to the region, I set off for Pakistan’s Baltoro Glacier accompanied with a BBC film crew and 50 porters.
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