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In the town of Biella in north-western Italy there is an organisation called Fondazione Sella, which is dedicated to preserving a vast archive of work by the great mountain photographer Vittorio Sella – more than 14,000 original plate and film negatives – and bringing it to the attention of as wide an audience as possible. Given the profile-raising aspect of their remit, the folks at the Fondazione must have been over the moon, back in 2012, to learn that the leading Scottish landscape photographer Colin Prior was to embark on his Karakoram Project – an ambitious study of the remote mountain range in northern Pakistan conceived as a kind of tribute to Sella, who photographed the same peaks himself back in 1909. And they must have been even more delighted, last year, to see BBC Scotland air a documentary about the first part of Prior’s undertaking, which brought Sella’s incredible work to a whole new generation of fans (including this writer).
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